Emiliano Zapata

Emiliano Zapata

Sunday, December 4, 2011

19. Should school attendance be mandatory? In your answer, be sure to explore what the function of education is, and what our nation would look like if the masses were less educated.

I think school attendance should be mandatory because in most of the United States success is based on education. Everything works by tittles, your tittle determines which job you will be doing in the future and how much you will earn as a payment. The more education you have the better the tittle, thus attending school is of great importance. It is also important to be well educated in order to make the best and most beneficial decisions in your life. Going to school does not only teach you how to add or how to read, but it also shows you how to do research and how to be updated in the world problems. School teaches you what is going on around you and makes you a wiser person. Schools also help to develop social skills and the teacher help to give an example of how to be a better person. If the people in our nation were less educated the world would be a chaos. Education is not just about intelligence; it is also about having manners and knowing how to act in different scenarios. If humans weren’t educated then they would be no different from animals. However, the expectations of people would decrease affecting the entire nation. Uneducated people will end up working as doctors resulting in an increase on death rates. This would create a chain eventually eliminating all the educated people of the world transforming humans back into Neanderthals.

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