A significant experience that I went through is moving from sixth to seventh grade. As insignificant and small as it sounds it changed my life and how I viewed the world. When I was in sixth grade I was a kid, I could do anything I wanted and I could get away with it. However, once I entered middle school everything I knew just disappeared, no more running around for fun or playing toys, fun had to be about sports or videogames now. I was pressured to become a teenager when I was just a kid, what I thought was right all of a sudden was wrong. Being the smartest student seemed weird instead of something to be proud of. I went from being the smartest student in the class to a slacker who just copied work, I started failing tests that I knew I was capable of passing with an A plus. I became an average student, soon everything just did not matter as much, and life wasn’t about getting A’s anymore. Then it just took over me and I couldn’t control it, I tried to go back to the smart kid who did all his work and got A’s on all his tests but it became hard. An essay that would have taken me 45 minutes soon was taking me hours. Reading became torture, homework was like death, and school was just not the same. One day I woke up and I was already in eleventh grade and in about 12 hours I had to turn in an English assignment that I hadn’t even started. So right now I’m trying to finish my assignment and I know that if I don’t finish it is fine, because next time that I have an assignment I know I will finish it. I will try my best to turn nerd-mode back on..
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